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  • ugo2dachi

How To Thrive In The Midst Of Turbulent Times

Updated: Aug 29, 2020

How are you feeling today? No, that is not a rhetorical question. I want you to take one minute, sixty seconds, to close your eyes and check in with yourself. How are you doing? Are you tired, flustered, angry, overwhelmed, afraid, confused? You are not alone. So much has changed in the world today from yesterday. If it wasn't for my God, my music, my pen, my journal, my creativity in general, I just don't know how effectively I would be coping with this new paradigm shift. The God that empowered me with divine gifts and talents didn't give them to me for me to let them erode in the dark. It is in the dark when your light should shine.

Mama used to always tell me, "keep a song in your heart." What a wise woman. The right song in your heart can shield your spirit from the trauma trouble brings. Diaphramatic breathing is a life saver, not just for singers but also those who believe in the breath and utilize it wisely. It reduces my stress and allows me to open my stomach and chest, circulate healing breath and tones throughout my body. After prayer and meditation, flooding my stream of thoughts onto my journal is how I manage and reflect myself to myself. It allows me to transfer the weight of the world off of me and onto something else in a healthy manner.

Now I have a fresh perspective and understanding of myself. A clearer vision of the road ahead, what I am facing and what I need to do to move forward. I listen for direction and look toward the heavens from which comes my help. When I am feeling the favor, I get a poem, song or some outcome reminder as a souvenir of the struggle I have just encountered. It makes me better and more patient, more observant.

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